About Us

Amanda is one of Wedding Organizer in Bali managed by PT. BALI WEDDING. Amanda located in a very strategic place in Tuban is at Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai Tuban – Bali very close to the air port. PT. Bali Wedding founded in 2007. There are many reason why our customer choose AMANDA to arrange their wedding ceremony or their engagement photo shooting in Bali. Because we have the staff with high experience, friendly, detail, reasonable price, and more. We also provide unique Chapel called Amanda Chapel and any type of Wedding Dress. Amanda is one stop wedding solution with the reasonable price.

Amanda have more than 20 types of Wedding Dress that you can rent for your Wedding Ceremony or for your Pre Wedding photo shooting. We also have 4 colors of Tuxedo with any size. We have 1 meeting room, 2 split ed fitting room and 2 air conditioned private makeup room.